Graeme Chapman - natural history photographer - ornithologist

Australian Birds

Bower's Shrike-thrush
Colluricincla boweri
(Viewing 4 of 8 photos)

Click to listen to sound sample Bower's Shrike-thrush has one of the smallest ranges of any Australian bird and is restricted to highland rainforests of north-east Queensland between Cooktown and Ingham. In the cooler climates of the highest altitudes it replaces the Rufous Shrike-thrush which prefers the lowland coastal habitats.

They live in permanent territories as pairs, foraging mainly in the understorey of the forest. Unobtrusive in their movements, they are best located by their distinctive song.(listen on sound page)

Photo: 414201-D

414201-D ... Bower's Shrike-thrush.

Photo: 414202-D

414202-D ... Bower's Shrike-thrush.

Photo: 414203-D

414203-D ... Bower's Shrike-thrush.

Photo: 414204-D

414204-D ... Bower's Shrike-thrush

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