Graeme Chapman - natural history photographer - ornithologist

Australian Birds

Yellow-spotted Honeyeater
Meliphaga notata
(Viewing 4 of 7 photos)

Click to listen to sound sample Yellow-spotted Honeyeaters were once known as Lesser Lewin Honeyeater - the likeness to a Lewins is a problem for some. Graceful Honeyeaters are also very similar.

Yellow-spotted Honeyeaters live in and around rainforests in far north-east Qld. from Cape York south to about Townsville. They live in permanent territories as pairs and are a familiar sight in towns and gardens. Insects and small fruits form a large part of the diet but they also compete with Graceful Honeyeaters for nectar where available.

Photo: 606201

606201 ... Yellow-spotted Honeyeater, Dunk Island, Qld.

Photo: 606202

606202 ... Yellow-spotted Honeyeater

Photo: 606204-D

606204-D ... Yellow-spotted Hpneyeater

Photo: 606205-D

606205-D ... Yellow-spotted Honeyeater

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