Graeme Chapman - natural history photographer - ornithologist

Australian Birds

Scarlet Honeyeater
Myzomela sanguinolenta
(Viewing 4 of 12 photos)

Click to listen to sound samples Scarlet Honeyeaters inhabit the coastal forests of eastern Australia from Cooktown to near Melbourne, but south of Sydney they are less frequently seen, depending on the flowering of the trees and shrubs on which they depend. They are particularly fond of flowering Callistemon. They also occur in New Caledonia.

Scarlet Honeyeaters spend most of their time feeding high in the tree canopies when there is blossom. Despite their brilliant colour such dainty little birds can easily be overlooked but their distinctive little tinkling songs carry a surprisingly long distance and always betray their presence. Duller plumaged females are not only less conspicuous they sing very little, if at all.

Photo: 586201

586201 ... Scarlet Honeyeater.

Photo: 586202-D

586202-D ... Scarlet Honeyeater, adult male.

Photo: 586203

586203 ... Scarlet Honeyeater

Photo: 586204

586204 ... Scarlet Honeyeater, female.

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